Race with us this October on Barton Broad
What is a Regatta and how does it work? Running for over 40 years, Barton Charter Regatta brings together hire boats and their crews from across the Norfolk Broads to take part in four full days of racing on the beautiful Barton Broad. Here at Eastwood Whelpton, we love all of our yachts to take part and there’s still time for you to join us!
A regatta is a sailing competition that includes a variety of races. The boats are split into fleets that race against each other, with handicaps allocated to each individual boat. You will have a choice of individual and series races to take part in with prices and trophies awarded on the last day! The races are exciting and competitive, if you have sailed before but never raced, this is a great next step in your sailing journey.
Do I need to have racing experience? No! Although you will need a reasonable level of sailing ability, no previous racing experience is required. Barton charter regatta provides a friendly and fun introduction to racing on the Broads. Before leaving the yard, we aim to help you understand the basics of sailing in a regatta and give you some tips for racing your boat, so you are ready to make the most of your experience.
This year we are excited to be providing day sails for the regatta. Whether you have never raced before or are looking to gain some more racing experience this is a great way to improve your sailing. With an instructor on board, you will be able to race in one of our half decker’s. We can also recommend a range of local accommodation.
What happens when we are not racing? You can choose to take part in as many races as you want to. While you’re not racing there will be plenty of action to watch while eating cake or a bacon butty on the pontoon.
In the evenings you can choose to relax and recharge on your boat, or join in with the evening programme of events. From live music and entertainment, to sampling the local beer in one of the many pubs that surround Barton Broad, there is plenty to keep you busy.
If you choose our Regatta hospitality package, we will provide 3 evening meals, including the awards dinner on the final evening.
There is still time to book for this year. Contact us on 01493 750430 or info@eastwood-whelpton.co.uk